16 July 2013


DHS Memo to all employees:

There is a recent article on the Washington Post’s Website that has a clickable link titled “The NSA Slide you never seen” that must not be opened on an Unclassified government workstation. This link opens up a classified document which will raise the classification level of your Unclassified workstation to the classification of the slide which is reported to be TS/NF.

If opened on an Unclassified system, you are obligated to report this to the SSO as a Classified Data Spillage (Opssecurity@hq.dhs.gov <mailto:Opssecurity@hq.dhs.gov> >).

Again, please exercise good judgment when visiting these webpages and clicking on such links. You may be violating your Non-Disclosure Agreement in which you sign that you will protect Classified National Security Information. You may be subject to any administrative or legal action from the Government.

Reminds me of that State Department employee who found themself under investigation for linking to WikiLeaks in 2011.

So, this image, showing how the government captures all data from undersea fiber cables, escalates the computers of Homeland Security just for opening it. Wouldn’t it be funny for Occupy, Anonymous, &c. to NSA-roll their surveillers?

We’re no stranger to leaks
You know the regs and so do I
A full debrief’s what I’m thinking of
You’re gonna get one anytime you spy...♫


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