17 March 2004

le parkour

Iain Merrick reviewed Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, comparing it to le parkour, an urban sport of getting from place to place, elegantly and efficiently jumping and climbing over any obstacle in your way.

Le parkour would’ve appealed greatly to me as a juvenile, had I heard of it. I acrophilically climbed onto rooftops, to see what I could see. I dashed across the tops of wooden barricades for the fun of it. Perhaps I would’ve become a wannabe parkouriste.

Iain Merrick recenzis Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time [Princo de Persio: La sabloj de tempo], komparinte ĝin al le parkour, urba sporto de irado el loko al loko, elegante kaj efike salti kaj grimpi super iaj ajn obstakloj.

Le parkour interesus grande adoleskan min, se mi konis ĝin. Mi altecofilie ascendis sur tegmentojn, por vidi kion mi povis. Mi kuras trans lignajn barikadojn por amuzi. Eble mi iĝus estunta parkouriste.

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