07 February 2004

political horoscopes

Though I take political coverage by The New York Times with a grain of salt and knowledge of their biases, I still expect better of our mutable paper of record than evaluating candidates by their horoscopes:

John Edwards, born on , is a Gemini with the Moon in Gemini. There is much in his horoscope that makes him the puer æternus, the eternal boy. His mind is playful and rich with ideas. However, his chart shows him to be a true son of the messenger and trickster god, and so capable of exceptional dualism. His horoscope tells us that he abhors confrontation unless he knows he is morally justified. Having battled inner demons over the last three years, Mr. Edwards will rise this summer like a giant refreshed.

John Kerry, born on , is a Sagittarius with four Gemini planets in the public relationship sector of his birth chart. He has a judicial character, but also has little tolerance for fools. Born with the rare Mars retrograde, he entered life with a rage — a deep, inner need to overcome (the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. also had the Mars retrograde). He has a strong sense of responsibility as well as feelings of caution about his message. Over the last 18 months the planets have empowered him with core strength. The long‐term picture depicts him achieving his highest goals.

Dennis Kucinich, born on , has his Sun in Libra with its opposite sign, Aries, rising at birth. This is the signature of the peaceful warrior, who desires serenity but is willing to spar for it. The planetary formation at birth endows Mr Kucinich with a profound dedication to conservation of resources, both natural and manufactured. He is relentless in his pursuit of justice and truth. He deeply empathizes with the collective suffering of humanity. The planets show his life at a major juncture; he is only just beginning to establish roots and a sense of real security.

The paper of astrological record. Oy vey!

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