28 February 2001

ACLU card

In 1988, Presidential candidate George Bush accused his opponent Governor Michael Dukakis of being a card‐carrying member of the ACLU, as if supporting an organization that defends the Bill of Rights were un‐American.

My ACLU card arrived in the mail today.

It’s a perforated section of their fundraising letter. My name and a 16‐digit member number are spottily printed on the front. Perhaps their printer needs more toner. The ACLU’s mailing address is on the back.

No phone numbers to call if I’m oppressed by The Man, no bullet points on how to conduct myself if stopped by the police, no places to show this card for discounts on bail bonds. It’s not even a real card, just a perforated slip of paper.

So what’s all the fuss about?

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