31 December 2011

A parable for Stan

Reposted from a blog where I've been banned, since my parable was deleted there:

Stan: Unless an Atheist tells you every day that his morality today is the categorical imperative, you can assume that he is merely an Atheist, without morality.

Robin: And by such sanctimonious bigotry, you would commit a fallacy of composition.

Stan: Your charge of sanctimonious bigotry places you one step from permanent banishment.

At a dinner party, a Caucasian host remarked that he assumes black people have loose morals. “That's racist,” a Negro guest responded. Instead of apologizing, he haughtily threw her out of his party, sniffing, “You people are not welcome here unless you remain civil.” Which was his prerogative, though the one who actually breached civility was not her.

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