25 March 2011

Cranston High School West “School Prayer” banner

(ding dong)

[Ms. Cranston opens door.]

Officer Jefferson: Ms. Cranston?

Ms. Cranston: Yes, what do you want?

Officer Jefferson: That sign by your car says “No Parking, Monday-Friday”. Unless you move your car, I’ll have to write you a ticket.

Ms. Cranston: How rude! My car’s not hurting anyone. Don’t you have anything better to do than make a fuss over this?

Officer Jefferson: Excuse me?

Ms. Cranston: Don’t you people have serious crimes to deal with? Just look the other way. Nobody else cares if I park there.

Officer Jefferson: There has been a complaint, actually, so—

Ms. Cranston: A complaint? Only one? My car has been out there all week! Nobody complained on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday. But just because you got one little complaint, all of a sudden—

Officer Jefferson: In any case, your vehicle is in violation of the law. If you don’t want to pay a fine, then I suggest you—

Ms. Cranston: How dare you threaten me, you— you extortionist! Shaking me down like a hoodlum!

Officer Jefferson: If you’ll please just move your car—

Ms. Cranston: Anyway, that’s not a car, that’s a sculpture.

[Officer Jefferson sighs, writes a ticket.]

Officer Jefferson: (puts ticket in Ms. Cranston’s hand) Tell it to the judge.

[Officer Jefferson walks away.]

Ms. Cranston: Hey! Where are you going? Everything was fine until you got me in trouble! I got this ticket because of you, so you should pay for it too!


  1. You could always move to a different country.

    "We the People of the State of Rhode Island
    grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath
    so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing..."

  2. Ha, I didn’t know Rhode Island’s state constitution began so ironically!

    Anyway, let those who hate religious pluralism move. I’m for staying and standing up for our freedom.
