15 August 2010

Yahoo! blocked my account for spellcasting

On Yahoo Answers, Stargazer☥☮♡☯✌ asked, Strange question but can someone curse you by using your user name Not real name?.

My answer yesterday facetiously tested her hypothesis.

A Curse Upon Stargazer☥☮♡☯✌

✷ When Stargazer☥☮♡☯✌ reads this verse
✸ Sealed shall be my eldritch curse.

❋ Mystick powers, heed my will,
✵ Each hair from her head shall fall.
☸ She shall need Minoxidil,
❂ Her scalp as smooth as a cue ball.

✸ Depilation upon she,
✷ As I will, so mote it be!

Now look in a mirror, Christina, and you will have your answer.

Funny, right? Even sprinkled in some of those dingbats she likes, as a fancy way to indent it.

Yahoo removed my answer and blocked my account for violation of our Community Guildelines or Terms of Service. I can’t log in to Yahoo Answers, Yahoo Mail, or any Yahoo service other than their help pages.

Perhaps Stargazer freaked out and reported my answer as abuse. Since witchcraft does not violate Yahoo’s Terms of Service, she’d’ve had to complain about something else. Yahoo e‐mailed me their reason:

My response did answer Stargazer’s question. What’s more, I didn’t just tell her, I showed her, the answer is no.

[Ed. : Good news. Appealing the decision worked. They unblocked my account and restored my answer, if anyone feels like going and upthumbing it.]

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