19 November 2007


In class, I ignored many background conversations as we worked, until a classmate at a computer in the row ahead suddenly stood up brandishing a green pocket‐sized book, declaring No, he didn’t, and I can prove it!.

What was that about? Jesus riding a dinosaur.

I pointed out, None of the apostles recorded Jesus taking a big dump after the Last Supper, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t take one.

My classmates treated this as a marvelous rebuttal.

Upon recounting this anecdote on ifMUD:

Fred Flintstone

Carl Muckenhoupt: I hope the little green book was Things About Dinosaurs Every Child Should Know.

Robin Lionheart: Then it would have been a little golden book.

Carl: Perhaps the other person was thinking of Fred Flintstone. It’s easy to get them confused.

Robin: Except Fred was better dressed: he wore a tie over his toga.

Matthew Murray: Fred Flintstone doesn’t wear a toga!

Carl: What is it he wears, anyway? I’ve never figured that out.

Robin: Hmm. I guess technically Fred wears a sabertooth‐skin leotard.

Dan Shiovitz: It’s a leopard skin, isn’t it?

Carl: It’s one‐piece and sleeveless. And most things fitting those two criteria don't get worn around construction yards.

Ryan Freebern: Now I am mentally pronouncing leopard like leotard.

Robin: The spots are neither tiger‐y or leopard‐y, but it’s presumably some spotty animal or other.

Matthew: Well, we can’t figure it out because whatever animal it was is extinct now. It was probably a Pradasaurus or something.

  • Little Golden Books are a popular series of children’s books.
  • Fred Flintstone is a quarry worker and family man in a 1960s animated sitcom, The Flintstones, set in a Stone Age with primitive analogues of modern technology.
  • Prada is an Italian fashion label that makes leather accessories.
  • Jesus Christ is a messiah figure in the world’s largest religion, Christianity.

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