07 February 2007

All Trends Considered

Our game design classes at Wake Tech this semester have been taking place in a game design lab of fancy new high‐spec Alienware PCs with wide high‐density LCD screens.

Last night, when I arrived at the lab for SGD 112, the head of the Simulation and Game Design department sat there basking in the afterglow of a PR event. Reportedly, a senator or congresscritter came around for some official dedication or something, which I reckon is better senatoring than Hilary Clinton’s antivideogamist fearpandering.

Listening to WUNC’s broadcast of All Things Considered while driving to campus, a local reporter did a news bite about the new lab. Pity she wasted 6 seconds on an inane intro like No question about it, video games are hot. And so Wake Tech is capitalizing on this trend.

Timely trendspotting! You know what’s also trendy? They making handheld phones you can carry out of your home and use anywhere. They’re very hot now. Oh, and a hot movie format is making videotapes obsolete. They press films on CD‐like discs called “DVDs”. Verrry trendy!

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