29 September 2006

murderers of democracy

What can be said about Senators who pass a law to allow anyone to be seized and tortured in a network of secret prisons, without charge or trial, forever?

Chris Floyd knows, and isn’t mincing words:

Who are these people? Who are these useless hanks of bone and fat that call themselves Senators of the United States? Let’s call them what they really are, let’s speak the truth about what they’ve done today with their votes on the bill to enshrine Bush’s gulag of torture and endless detention into American law.

Who are they? The murderers of democracy. Sold our liberty to keep their coddled, corrupt backsides squatting in the Beltway gravy a little longer.

Who are they? The murderers of democracy. Cowards and slaves, giving up our most ancient freedoms to a dull‐eyed, dim‐witted pipsqueak and his cohort of bagmen, cranks and degenerate toadies. For make no mistake: despite all the lies and distorted media soundbites, the draconian strictures of this bill apply to American citizens as well as to all them devilish foreigners.

Who are they? The murderers of democracy. Traitors to the nation, filthy time‐servers and bootlickers, turning America into a rogue state, an open champion of torture, repression and terror.

Who are they? The murderers of democracy. Threw our freedom on the ground and raped it, beat it, shot it, stuck their knives into it and set it on fire.

Anyone who voted for this evil, un‐American bill, Republican or Democrat, is unfit for office and for decent society.

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