25 June 2005

my championship card

Verda Steleto, Champion

Why does my father try to destroy my happiness?

For winning Chron X’s 2005 Grand Championships last month, my likeness will be on a Very Rare card in the new card set, Corruption. Earlier this week, I rushed to develop film we shot in Florida to scan and mail a photo to card artist Mike Dreher. But our cheap disposable camera’s flash was no good and produced fuzzy photos. I dug out my damaged Kodak DC-120 to use instead, awkwardly pointing it at my face. My digital photos came out better despite schmutz inside the lens I cannot wipe clean.

Corruption was released yesterday evening. A tournament called Friday Noon Showdown was held with a booster of the new card set as a prize. At game time, CEO Andrea asked me to run the tourney for her. I agreed.

I felt excited about my upcoming card and pleased about being so respected that I was entrusted to run an official tourney. Sometime during the third round, my father yelled at me for wasting my time playing games instead of signing up for a summer semester and/or getting a job. He particularly emphasized that I am a disappointment to him.

So on what should’ve been a great day for me, whenever I started feeling excited about my card, my father’s voice in my head reminded me that even if I’m a champion in some unimportant game, I am a great disappointment to him, always.


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