21 September 2004

Space Bush

Worldwide Republicans For A Better Planet Security (which I’d abbreviate WRBPS, but they abbreviate WRAPS) spammed me a crude comic panel (perhaps drawn with Microsoft Paint) captioned Future WMDs.

On a cloud in space far above Mother Earth (whose oceans are apparently boiling away), a figure in cowboy hat and trenchcoat raises his arm in a Sieg Heil to an SS space ghost, and says, Technology of DNA and genetic engineering has come forth to mankind. The humans of the earth are ignorant and foolish. The mortal people of earth are not ready or prepared. From the filename spcbushe.gif, this must be astro‐Texan Space Bush.

His phantom soldier, a floating combat helmet and rifle‐toting trenchcoat with glowing red eyes, says, The black horses go into the north country, and the white horses go forth after them. The pale horses go toward the south country. And the red go to and fro through the earth. Take these spirits into battle to defend and preserve the mortal people of the earth. Who but Space Bush could order the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to defend and preserve us, the mortal peoples of the earth?

WRBPS wants you to spread this message. As their spam says, You are permitted to copy and redistribute this cartoon to any extent only for the good of the Bush For President Campaign and or the good, welfare, and future of all nations and all mankind. And providing that the contents of the cartoon are r not altered.

So, for the good of all humanity, I share with you WRBPS’s plea: vote for Space Bush, commander‐in‐chief of War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.

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