27 July 2001

Free Sklyarov

Put together an Open Directory category about the USA v. Dmitry Sklyarov case this week.

I’m disappointed in the EFF sacrificing its credibility in its meretricious joint press release with Adobe, praising them for doing the right thing by recommending his release and saying they’ve lived up to the high standard of integrity that has made the company successful.

Seems like this transparent spin doctoring was the price of getting Adobe to recommend Dmitry’s release. But the FBI isn’t dropping Adobe’s charges. Nothing has changed for Dmitry. He’s still in jail.

Adobe has not done the right thing. The right thing would be to make amends for their wrongdoing, such as by paying for Dmitry’s defense. Adobe merely stopped doing the wrong thing, to avoid more bad press and picketers outside their headquarters. Now they’ve used the EFF to tout an integrity that their actions belie.

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